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Open market sales at once Relaket Market Integrated Management
From product registration, order collection, delivery processing, and claim management,
affiliate sales channel management becomes more convenient.
  • I wish I could register
    products in multiple markets at once.
  • If you can collect products, orders, deliveries, claims, etc.
    by market in one place and report and process them...
  • If can be performed on overseas open markets
    in Japan and Southeast Asia at once...
As is my store product, market linkage Product registration service by domestic and foreign market
From Lilacet to the global market, all are linked as one.
With one product registration, not only domestic open markets but also overseas open markets can be sold at once.
마켓통합관리노트북 상품
Upload Items
Order, delivery, and claim management at once Market Channel Integrated Order Collection Management
Order processing, delivery, and claim management that had to be managed separately by market. It was uncomfortable, right?
Collect it at once from the reelacket and manage it conveniently.
아마존팝업 11번가팝업
Convenient Integrated Inventory Management Service Integrated Inventory Data Management
Zero inconvenience in checking inventory and zero cancellation of orders due to inventory problems.
Operate efficiently with integrated relacket data management.
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Overseas Market Integrated Management Service
for Overseas Open Market Sales
From automatic exchange rate conversion, automatic language translation,
and convenient overseas delivery, sell it now with relacket!
  • automatic exchange rate conversion without separate calculation
  • Simple multilingual translation automatic translation
  • Fast and convenient Overseas shipping support

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